High Cholesterol Specialist

In the United States, 93 million adults have high total cholesterol levels, which puts them at risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

New York Medical and Vascular Care

Cardiologists, Vascular Doctors, Podiatrists, Gastroenterologists, Physical Therapists, Pediatricians, Internal Medicine and Family Medicine Physicians Serving Patients in Sheepshead Bay, Marine Park, Flatlands & Midwood, Brooklyn, New York, Astoria Queens, New York, & Manhattan, New York

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Cholesterol NYMVC
At New York Medical Vascular Care, we serve patients in Astoria, Queens, Sheepshead Bay, Midwood, and Marine Park/Flatlands of Brooklyn. Our expert medical team provides advanced wound treatments designed to enhance healing, alleviate pain, and minimize the risk of complications. Schedule an appointment by phone or book online today for specialized wound care.

High Cholesterol Q & A

What is high cholesterol?

If you have high cholesterol, which is a waxy substance in your blood, you have an increased risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. High cholesterol can lead to the formation of fatty deposits in blood vessels, reducing blood flow. The best way to determine if you have this chronic disease risk factor is through routine screening for high cholesterol.

Are there any symptoms of high cholesterol?

There aren’t generally any symptoms associated with having high cholesterol. That’s why routine high cholesterol screening is important if you’re at risk of developing it. Your New York Medical Vascular Care provider can use a simple blood test to determine if you have high cholesterol.

What are the risk factors for high cholesterol?

Some people have a higher risk of developing high cholesterol. Your risk increases with

  • Family history of high cholesterol
  • Older age
  • Obesity
  • Poor dietary habits
  • Physical inactivity
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking

Dangerous complications associated with high cholesterol can include heart attack, stroke, and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). Early detection and treatment are crucial to maintaining optimal health and wellness.

How can I lower my risk of high cholesterol?

Healthy lifestyle habits can reduce your risk of high cholesterol. Examples include eating many fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and other fiber-rich foods. Limit animal fats, alcohol, sodium, and stress. Don’t smoke and maintain a healthy weight.

How does my provider diagnose high cholesterol?

To diagnose high cholesterol, your New York Medical Vascular Care provider takes a sample of blood from your arm and sends it to a lab for analysis. They will evaluate your total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol), and triglycerides to better understand your chronic disease risk factors.

What are my high cholesterol treatment options?

Adopting healthy lifestyle habits and taking cholesterol-lowering medications are two common treatments for high cholesterol.

Your New York Medical Vascular Care specialist might recommend weight loss, healthy eating, dietary supplements, regular exercise, not drinking alcohol, and increasing your fiber intake to keep high cholesterol under control.

Don’t let high cholesterol go undetected and lead to serious medical problems. Schedule a cholesterol screening at New York Medical Vascular Care by phone or book online today.

Do you experience leg fatigue, cramping, and pain? You might have Peripheral Vascular Disease

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